It's a fictional streetscape we wander, here, a metropolis whose buildings, boulevards, and back alleys are in a constant state of flux. This is every place, and yet, no place at all - a city of dreams and a dream of a city.

Here, we explore the life and work of Ivan Illich and his circle of collaborators. There's no comprehensive index to the articles published, but we invite you to use the Search box, to the left, and to explore the Archive links that appear at the bottom of each page. Comments are welcomed.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Barcelona, too

We are pleased to hear from a reader, Silvia Grünig, who writes:

In this moment I'm finishing my Ph.D. thesis Ivan Illich: la ville conviviale at IUP-Institut d´Urbanisme de Paris, with M.Thierry Paquot.

Unhappily there is no Ivan Illich reader's group in Barcelona, but on 2th december a mess will take place at 11.30 at Parroquia Sant Jaume, Hermanitas del cordero, Carrer Ferrán 28, 08002 Barcelona, and a few friends will eat together.

Paquot, a professor of urban studies, authored a tribute to Illich in Le Monde in January, 2003. He also wrote the preface to the Ouvres completes collection of Illich's work. And he is one of the organizers of the 3-day Illich event scheduled to take place next week in Paris. Additional information about that colloquium has been made available here and a program is available here. Ms. Grünig will be one of the speakers, providing an update on her research.

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Santa Rosa, California, United States
Writer, photographer, music fan; father and husband living in northern Calif.